Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Salvacion - Exercise (Week 7)

COM127L - Week 7

Photography and Online Journalism

These are the three photographs that I found very uncommon and fascinating.


Stories are better told when they are represented by photographs. Sometimes, the photograph itself gives the idea of what to tell based on its subject matter. In today’s generation, many people, mostly teenagers, think that a news article or story is credible enough if it has photos as evidences. It also provides a better understanding towards its intended information. Come to think of it. If we were to read or listen to any stories such as news, conversational, feature, entertainment, etc. without the presence of photographs, it would be boring and hard to comprehend. Not only that, people also needs to use their imagination to grasp the contents of the story. The problem with this is that people have different points of view which can lead to misinterpreting or misunderstanding the gist of the story. So in order to improve a certain story, writers should have pictures to make it interesting and reliable. In that way, people will have a mutual perception. Just make sure that the images are related to the given narrative. At times, same subject with unlike angles presents different stories too.
The three photographs that I chose show the unusual things that I haven’t seen in person. It gave me the impression that the things which were impossible for me can be possible for others. It’s true that photographs can lead you to the places that you’ve never been, the things that you’ve never seen or heard, and the feeling that you’ve never felt.
The common qualities of these 3 photos are:
1.       Exceptional
2.       Have strong feelings
3.       Real
4.       Persuasive
For me, digital photography is one of the best developments in our generation. It helps us to view the beauty of our world and captures unmeasureable experiences that can last for a long time. It processes images easier than the old photography way.  If this was not invented, many things would probably be unknown for us. We will just believe the things that we personally witness and not the stories that are just told without proofs. We would not know how tragic the wars in other countries are and how joyous the celebrations of the festivities of particular cultures in various countries are. Other than that, it would be hard to collect and document the history of significant events. Today, we used digital photography in crime scences, weddings, birthdays, and many more happenings to keep records of it. Lastly, it sometimes makes facts more convincing and trustworthy.


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